Monday, June 13, 2005


A Start?

Been walking/camping over the past few days but no avoidance of the squirrel project, as I found myself walking with an electrical engineer specialising in security cameras, so some interesting squirrel-activated camera chat! And my uncle whose birthday the walk was celebrating is a forester so also some discussions as to wood and preservatives and other important things in the line of squirrel feeders.

Tomorrow I finally receive my first mesh of that critical red-squirrels-only size. I should also receive 55m of special sticky tape for catching squirrel hairs to indicate who's been using the feeder, and I'll be buying wood, nails etc for building the little hoppers and lids to hold the nuts and provide a switch for automatic photos.

And I may no longer be lacking a location! I've been in touch for some time with someone that mans the Post Office over Haweswater way; a good hour and a half's drive north. So although I haven't actually got there yet and it's not the ideal spot for regular checks, he sounds pretty helpful and has himself designed an interesting sounding piece of equipment, tho he’s in the line of controlling grey squirrels so his only lets in the greys and not the reds! Anyway, the plan is to drive up this weekend with all the gear and set up some trial feeders. A busy week lies ahead! Carpentry skills to be tested. I hope you shall soon be seeing photos of the handiwork itself…

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