Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Counting Squirrels

Installing tally counters under the squirel feeder lids has brought to light an interesting squirel phenomonom: It seems that tho red squirrels appear happy to use the selective feeders they may prefer to take the easy option if there's a normal one around. Last week I put up 2 feeders without any selective mesh and not surprisingly the grey squirrels starting using them -they must be well happy to be able to steal red's nuts again. However -the reds have just about stopped using the feeders that were excluiselvy for them and are sharing at the same ones that the greys are using. Do they like sharing with greys or is is simply too much effort to squeeze through the mesh to thier special feeders?

Both the hairs caught on sticky tape under the lids and the tally counters are recording this. The cameras are pretty defunct just now and need an overhall..

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I'm comin to getcha....
Henry, suggest you remove the link in the comment from "george" - it's spam.

Also suggest we gang up on Michael - he's out to get us.

Who says we draw a straight line through his bedroom...
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